readium js

To learn more about CSS in JS and the inspirations behind this library, check out React: CSS in JS by vjeux Getting Started with Radium To install the stable version of Radium: npm install --save radium This assumes you are using npm as your package If yo

相關軟體 Ebook Reader 下載

Icecream Ebook Reader allows users to add multiple books to the application to create a personalized library. Users can mark books as Favourites and remove books from the library. Each book has a...

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  • Trailing commas add no "value" for correctness, and their absence is "alway...
    GitHub - FormidableLabsradium: A toolchain for React ...
  • Note: Please don't use the zip download feature on this repo as this repo us...
    GitHub - readiumreadium-js-viewer: ReadiumJS viewer: defaul ...
  • EPUB core processing engine written in Javascript. This is a software component used by th...
    GitHub - readiumreadium-js: EPUB processing engine written ...
  • Candidates are solicited for three seats on the Readium Foundation Board of Directors. Any...
    Home | Readium
  • To learn more about CSS in JS and the inspirations behind this library, check out React: C...
    Radium - A React Component Styling Library
  • Examples To see the universal examples: npm install npm run universal To see local client-...
    Radium - npm
  • Readium CloudReader
    Readium CloudReader
  • In addition to Chrome and WebKit, development of Readium would not have been possible with...
    Readium Development Area Homepage
  • Readium - viewer javascript module ... Loosely couple your services. Use Orgs to version a...
    readium-js-viewer - npm
  • The website and the associated Readium projects page on github are undergoing ...
    ReadiumJS | Readium